Album & Single Reviews

Published on March 6th, 2017 | by Mike Ainscoe


Exquirla - ‘Para Quienes Aun Viven’ Review

They say opposites attract…so here’s something a bit different with a combination of rock music and…flamenco – Spanish instrumental rockers Toundra joining forces with one of Spain’s most important emergent Flamenco artists, Niño de Elche, in the guise of a brand new project under the name of Exquirla.

The slightly grotesque album cover which brings to mind the type of deeds too dastardly to imagine and a title which translates as ‘For Those Still Alive’ is a daunting start. They serve as the introduction of an album which houses a series of post rock instrumental leanings which Toundra are well known for, blended with a vocal that varies from haunting to intense and passionate – obviously the flamenco influence rising to the surface. Lyrically, for us non Spanish speakers, the themes cover the more intense elements of human nature.

The combination delivers an experience packed with emotion and fervour, exploring moods with a refreshing sense of experimentation. Ranging from shorter atmospheric scores that seem to act more as punctuation points to more probing and expansive arrangements which are essentially longer and fuller versions of what they do in the shorter format. The signature sound is of an underlying sonic crafting, overlaid by a combo of some aggressive and harsh guitar and melodic ringing notes.

At nine and ten minutes, the longer arrangements can occasionally tend to being a little ponderous – maybe a case of the acid test being in the ‘less is more’ philosophy. ‘Destruidnos Juntos’ is perhaps the most successful, the overriding atmospherics suggesting a cinematic, vaguely industrial vision. Otherwise, the template follows a similar pattern of more intense moments emerging from the calmer instrumental passages in ‘Hijos De La Rabia’ and ‘El Grito Del Padre’, the language barrier making the words sound more atmospheric as opposed to conveying their meaning. Ultimately an intriguing collaboration with the Toundra experience moving into fresh areas.



Francisco Contreras, Vocals

Esteban Jimenez Giron, Guitars

Alberto Tocados, Bass

Alejandro Pérez, Drums

David López, Guitars


TOUNDRA online:

About the Author

Mike's mellowed in his old age, discovering the delights of traditional folk and acoustic music and the constant stream of new music coming through his passion as a gig-goer, music photographer and writer. With favourite artists and favourite songs which change daily, even hourly, he adds another spoke to the Sonic Bandwagon wheel of fortune.

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