About Gary Spiller

Gary Spiller 40 something Cornish rock fan who's been addicted to music since first hearing Quo's Just Supposin' album back in 1980. Nearly 40 years later and the passion burns as brightly if not brighter with the wealth of talent currently emerging in the rock scene. Love pretty much anything from punk to blues via rock and metal with a dash of folk and country added in for a bit of variety. Consider myself lucky as my better two thirds, Kelly, shares the same passion for rock music and is getting to grips with the challenges of gig photography. Combining our love of music with that of travel has seen us up and down the length and breadth of the UK and, in the last few years, heading further afield across mainland Europe. Currently addicted to too many bands to name check individually but it's safe to say the future of rock has never been in safer hands!

Author Archives: Gary Spiller

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